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Over view of C language
    C is developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph) Bell Labs USA.
    C is a structured programming language

Files used in C program
Library files

Library files used to perform specific task for example printf() file use to display the text on the screen.
Header files
The sub directory called “include” contain header files
These files are text files, like the one you generate with a Turbo C editor. Header files can be combined with your program before it is compiled.
Each header file has a ”.h” file extension.

 Header files in c language

 Uses of functions
 This is the entry point of a program
  When a file is executed, the start point is the main function.
 The function use to get single character from user
The getch() function is defined in conio.h header file. The character user entered can also stored in variable. e.g ch = getch();.
This is a function from the library that prints on the screen and is accessible through the header file stdio.h.
Scanf(); function is used to take input from the users.

Data type in C language
A data-type in C programming is a set of values and is determined to act on those values. 

Format Specifier

Format Specifier tell the printf statement where to put the text and how to display the text. The various format specifiers are:
%d => integer
%c => character
%f => float 
%e => displays number in scientific notation (float)
%s =>displays a string
%o =>displays an octal number (unsigned)
%x =>displays a hexadecimal number (unsigned)

Variables and Constants

If the value of an item is to be changed in the program then it is a variable. If it will not change then that item is a constant. The various variable types (also called data type) in C are: int, float, char, long ,double etc they are also of the type signed or unsigned.

Escape Sequences

Escape sequence tells the printf() the alignment of statement ,weather it is  new line or new tab. The back slash “\” character is called the “Escape Character”. The escape sequence includes the following:

\n => new line
\t => horizontal tab
\b => back space
\r => carriage return
\’ =>single quote
\” => double quotations
\\ => back slash 
\v =>vertical tab
\a =>alert
\? =>Question mark
\0 =>Null
\f  =>form feed, page eject, page or section separator (move active position to the           initial position of next logical page)
\xhh =>hexa decimal escape sequence
\ddd =>octal escape sequence

Taking Input from the User

The input from the user can be taken by the following techniques: scanf( ), getch(), getche( ), getchar( ) etc. getchar() is a standard function that gets a character from the stdin. e.g:                   char c;
             printf(“Enter character”);
             c= getchar();

getch() is a nonstandard function that gets a character from keyboard, does not echo to screen. getche()  is a nonstandard function that gets a character from the keyboard, echoes to screen.

Use getchar() if you want it to work on all compilers. Use getch() or getche() on a system that supports it when you want keyboard input without pressing [Enter].


There are various types of operators that may be placed in three categories: Basic: +  -  *  /  %
Assignment: =  +=  -=  *=  /=  %=
Increment / decrement operators
 Relational: <  >  <=  >=  ==  !=
Logical: && , || , !

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